This was such a special party and the girls (Kitta Aleph) really enjoyed it and came home with lovely things they had made.
Again the weather was on our side and it was a warm Winter day!
We split the girls into smaller groups and they did the activities simultaneously and moved round to the next station.
Dalia's birthday falls near chanukah so candle crafts are in the shops (I plan on buying them early in time to repeat this party for Yael when she turns 6) so one of the activities was decorating a candle to light for Shabbat using was that you can mould like plasticine.
I bought the balls of dough from a baker (although now I am more into challah making myself I couldeasily prepare it myself next time) and my mum (safta) was in charge of helping the girls plait their challot which went in their own foil trays to rise, and be cooked at home.
I cut up white material and bough glitter glue and sequins and pens to design challah cloths. The only issue with these was that some of them were still quite wet by home time so would rethink materials to use for next time!
Need to find photos!
The ideas:
Wax on candles
Shabbat placemats and
laminate...get stickers and small gems to stick on and felt tips
Plait challot
Make flowers from tissue paper and pipe cleaners
Foil tray with name on
for challah
Israeli dancing
Musical bumps
Sausages in rolls
around table – white cloth with plastic on and tropit/water
Get little bechers
each to take home and mini grapejuices
Candles sticks/oil
lamps – mezolim
Besamim bags – nets
and strings – grated soap to put in
Nail painting
Shabbat table cake!