2012 - My 5 at the time I started this blog!

Why write a blog?

I am so incredibly blessed. I am also constantly aware that at any point it might be our turn to deal with difficult or even tragic news and I want you to always know me, know me and your daddy and know how much we love you all and just do our very best for you in every possible way.
I aim to include in this blog all my thoughts on child rearing while I am in the midst of bringing up my babies and watching you grow into toddlers and tweenies...and then please God onto teenagers and young adults! 
I want you to see that our way of bringing you up is to get on with what is right for us as a family unit - to ignore a lot of the crazy theories out there which may have some worth but are unrealistic in following. Our policy is to go with things...to follow your leads...and to importanly not judge too much the way others do it, to not follow others like sheep...to be our own people and do what feels right for us always. At the same time we want you to grow into kind and generous people, constantly learning from others and doing chessed. I hope you feel that we have got it right on the whole and that it has given you strength to decide right from wrong and do what your heart tells you and not just what everyone else seems to do. 
Stay yourselves, stick with what you actually believe...and always do your best!

Love you so much
Your proud mummy (and daddy...on his behalf!)