2012 - My 5 at the time I started this blog!

Dan - Superman Party (superheroes) Age 4

Wow! I worked so hard on this party and it was so worth it - Danny really enjoyed himself and I have heard great reports from parents that their children had a great time. After going to a couple of parties with Danny with loud entertainers I think this was a breath of fresh air for the children. I even told the parents they should feel free to leave their children and go - It is easier without parents,and parents were more than happy to do this.
Weather wise, it was perfect and we actually did the whole party outdoors.
I made bottles with Superman logos, capes, cut out masks and madea couple of banners, cupcake toppers and the cake. I had loads of potential activities planned but this is what happened -
1) Arrive (most were dressed up) and pose for photos with the birthday boy, play with the phone box and make superhero masks
2) Get their capes and run around
3) Yoav and Dalia took the children - girls with Dalia, boys with Yoav and they were amazing. Not sure what they were doing with them but they had them all listening intently and repeating superhero chants
4) Superhero Musical statues
5) a quick game of dead lions
6) a few parachute games (but it was a bit mad with so many children although they seemed happy enough)
7) Pizza supper
8) Cake - Danny smashed the cake and we gave out cupcakes
9) We gave everyone little flashlights (the plan had been to find angry birds hidden around the garden but we ran out of time) and ready packed treat bags.

The planning ideas:
So I have started planning well in advance and hope that he will still like Superman as much by Nov 16th!

So the current ideas are: (hoping to reuse the town boxes and telephone box for Yoav's spy party!)
games - photos in front of boxes wearing pre-made capes
find the kryptonite - in the garden - need to 'make' kryptonite!
superhero training - throwing kryptonite bean bags thru hoop to knock over superman toy
learn how to fly - jump off something...
catch - 'it' - telephone box - safe
musical statues
dead lions

​town out of boxes - black duct tape and white
big blue bedding backdrop
fridge red phonebox
superman logo on
superman logo cake
superman logo to stick in fairy cakes

Don't forget to turn a fridge box into an epic telephone booth changing station.

Sleep training babies

Always an interesting one and not easy to accomplish!

Without dummies, and for 3/5 children even without comfort toys sleeping could have been a challenge, but as soon as we worked it out with number one, Dalia the same methods seem to work for all of our consecutive babies.

It is, to the horror of many 'crying it out'. All it takes is oneor two nights with crying and both parents and child are happier. The way i trained the children meant i had to watch my clock carefully which distracted me from the heart wrenching cries. It is not easy but once you have made the decision to do it, both you and your hubbie have to be totally in for it and you have to keep up the same method for any night time waking (unless of course the baby has woken up for a reason or is unwell).

It also works best if your children are already in a nice routine, with regular bed time schedules so that they know that after bath, and teeth brushing, it is time to go to sleep.

After saying good night, close the door and stay nearby. After one minute, go in, pat, say good night and then leave. NO eye contact. Then stay outside another minute and repeat. Then wait two minutes before just going in, maybe a pat or a stroke (no speaking) and leave again. Then wait another two minutes - or more if you are strong enough. Then wait five minutes before going in and out the baby's room. Then ten, then 15. By the time you have waited outside 20 minutes most times the baby will have fallen asleep. If not keep going in at intervals you are comfortable with if it is helping. You should notice times when the baby cries less or more intermittently - in which case he is soothing himself and it is probably better not to go in at all. Play with these rules and intervals - something will work. and the next wake up - even if in the middle of the night you must repeat the process in the same way. After two or three nights you will have your sleep back and wonder why you let the baby take control for so long!

One thing that just worked for Ella this week (20 mths) - I had lots of eye to eye heart to heart chats to her about going to sleep nicely - with no crying...and it worked (well for three nights so far!).

By the way - I think you can try CIO method from as soon as you feel ok with it - even as little as three months. The earlier you do some form of it, the quicker you get to sleep! x