2012 - My 5 at the time I started this blog!

SUPERHERO Party - Yoav 7

Great fun and I just love seeing 7 year olds (and some 6, 8 yr olds) being little boys - having the best time, dressing up and having fun. Some mums told me their son enjoyed this party way more than entertainers - makes me so happy to know the hard work in these parties paid off!

So the theme was superheroes as Yoav is particularly into the Avengers at the moment.
Kids dressed up as Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman, Ninjago, Ninja Turtle, Batman, and others and i love that many outfits were homemade and the parents got into it as well!

Lucky me the weather was dry just for the duration of the party (rained before and after) - it was this that made the party. The boys arrived and went straight outside where they compared outfits and got into character with playful fights and running around and mingling. Once everyone arrived we went down to the basement to decorate capes and masks which was particularly good for the two boys who decided not to dress up but soon regretted it...A few boys didn't do this but amused themselves somehow without too much annoyance! I had printed out avengers colouring sheets but in the end these weren't needed.

Once the capes were finished i put some back in their packets and others wore them and we went back to the garden as it was now dark...this was the fun part!

It was pitch black out there and everyone received a cool (1 shekel) rocket torch and they played hide and seek - they could only light the torch if they were finding or had been caught. They played this for ages and really enjoyed the run around.

Then it was dinner time and they had pizza and drinks downstairs..and then we did the cake - the captain america shield (which the boys were very impressed with) and ended with a calming episode of avengers to finish off. I cut the cake up upstairs and put on plates with star biscuits on a necklace for them to take home with them together with the capes and masks.

The party was an hour and a half which I think is just right for a party at home and there were only 14 kids altogether which was perfect for this kind of thing.

Yoav has slept in his Captain America outfit for three nights since the party..;) def a success!

Dan 3 - Fireman Party

Dan is 3!!
The happy birthday Boy!

Well this is the original plan..I will update on what actually happened!

Food – peanut butter/choc spread sandwiches
Veg platter
Fairy cakes


Fairy cakes/number 3 biscuits (and biscuits with Dan in Hebrew)
Water bottles with labels on (replaced with a jug of squash!)

Making crowns
Fireman sam colouring and fireman crowns 
 Fireman scavenger hunt – find the flames scattered around garden -  (cut up crepe paper in red yellow and orange) - Changed this to dolls around the garden that they had to 'save'
 Pass the parcel with torch gifts
Ready to race!

 FIRE ENGINE races - firetrucks - http://www.enchantedlearning.com/crafts/box/firetruck/ These were great and the kids loved them and took them home!
The firetrucks!

Fire engine visit?! - they wouldn't come!
Blowing out the candles

Why write a blog?

I am so incredibly blessed. I am also constantly aware that at any point it might be our turn to deal with difficult or even tragic news and I want you to always know me, know me and your daddy and know how much we love you all and just do our very best for you in every possible way.
I aim to include in this blog all my thoughts on child rearing while I am in the midst of bringing up my babies and watching you grow into toddlers and tweenies...and then please God onto teenagers and young adults! 
I want you to see that our way of bringing you up is to get on with what is right for us as a family unit - to ignore a lot of the crazy theories out there which may have some worth but are unrealistic in following. Our policy is to go with things...to follow your leads...and to importanly not judge too much the way others do it, to not follow others like sheep...to be our own people and do what feels right for us always. At the same time we want you to grow into kind and generous people, constantly learning from others and doing chessed. I hope you feel that we have got it right on the whole and that it has given you strength to decide right from wrong and do what your heart tells you and not just what everyone else seems to do. 
Stay yourselves, stick with what you actually believe...and always do your best!

Love you so much
Your proud mummy (and daddy...on his behalf!)